Monitoring the Evolution
and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation

The evolution of Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe: The MoRRI indicators report (D4.3)

Science Technology & Innovation
MoRRI consortium
Publication date:
01 February 2018

This report includes a rich set of RRI indicators that were collected through the MoRRI study directly or by using available data from previous collection efforts. Bringing together a large number of indicators provides detailed information on a number of aspects. The downside, however, is that not all the collected data is very recent – in particular, data from Eurobarometer and MASIS indicate a situation of 4 to 7 years ago. Not all of it may be outdated but a more recent data collection suggests that there is change. It may be slow as suggested by some gender equality indicators but, nevertheless, an evolution can be seen. In fast-moving areas such as open access (or open science as it is now termed), the changes are even more pronounced. The collection effort has also seen limitations concerning, in particular, ‘open data’ indicators, but other RRI areas such as ‘ethics’ and ‘governance’, were also rather difficult to capture.